US Use Mobile Web More Than UK, Google The Favorite
M:Metrics has released the first statistics from its new MeterDirect service. The february data for 500 US and 600 UK smartphone users show that in both geographies Google is the most popular mobile web site, while after that people from the UK tend to prefer operator portals (O2, Orange, BBC, Three) while people from the US tend to prefer other brands (Yahoo, MSN, Live, Users spend an average of 8 minutes per session using the mobile web, with the 8-5 daypart being the most popular. The research also showed that smartphone users from the US were more likely to access the mobile web on a given day (41-50 percent did so) than smartphone users from the UK (33-47 percent). Of course, smartphone users are only a small proportion of the mobile population, even if they do count for a disproportionately high level of mobile content usage. (release)