Jaiku Mobile v.80 is OUT
Jaiku's new mobile client for S60 devices is out. If you want the rundown on features, you can look here, here, here, or here.
New features include:
- The choice between longer battery life or more up-to-date presence (a much requested feature).
- Reading and writing comments from and to your contacts.
- Go back in time! Using the ’stream view’ for your contacts, you can see what they were doing and saying in the past, not just their most recent post.
- More than just Jaikus! You can also see when your contacts have posted to flickr.
- Improved presence view, to make the most of your screen real-estate.
- A whole raft of usability improvements, based on what our users have been telling us they need, including an even easier to use interface, and a progress meter, so you can see what’s happening.
- More optimal data transfer and connection maintenance, giving you more bang for your wireless data dollar.
- …and all the essential (but not that interesting) stuff like bug fixes, speed improvements, that sort of thing.
- Oh, and let’s not forget - a spiffy new manual for this client
Labels: jaiku